First Home Grant Eligibility
Thu Sept. 7th 2023
The First Home Grant provides eligible first home buyers with up to $5,000 for individuals to put towards the purchase of an existing or older home or up to $10,000 to put towards the purchase of a brand-new home.
The First Home Grant is administered by Kāinga Ora, and the KiwiSaver first-home withdrawal is administered by your KiwiSaver scheme provider.
Here are the criteria for applicants to be eligible:
- Be over 18 years old.
- Be a first home buyer or a previous homeowner in a similar financial position to a first home buyer.
- Have contributed 3% of your annual income, or $1,000 annually, to your KiwiSaver scheme (or complying fund or exempt employer scheme) for at least 3 years.
- Have an income of $95,000 or less (before tax) from the last 12 months for an individual buyer without dependents or have an income of $150,000 or less (before tax) from the last 12 months for an individual buyer with one or more dependents or have a combined income of $150,000 or less (before tax) from the last 12 months for two or more buyers regardless of the number of dependents.
- Be in a financial position to contribute a minimum deposit of 5% towards the home purchase (inclusive of all savings, grants, first-home withdrawals, and gifts).
- Be buying the home for you to live in as your primary place of residence.
- Commit to living in the home for at least 6 months from the settlement date or from when the code compliance certificate is issued.
- Be purchasing an equal share in the home proportionate to the number of buyers.
If you have any questions or would like more information, reach out to us at or phone 09 302 7310.

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09 302 7310
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Auckland 1071
New Zealand