KiwiSaver and Investments
Regularly investing in an investment portfolio or retirement account can lead to huge long-term benefits.
Regularly investing in an investment portfolio or retirement account can lead to huge long-term benefits. We understand that the markets can appear complex and full or jargon, but we aim to take the confusion away and highlight the benefits of investing.
At Cave Financial we offer a full investment advice service based on a unique 'evidence based' approach - it is great for those who are planning for retirement, investing large lump sums, or saving for future financial goals.
For up to data information, check out our quarterly investment updates.
Lump Sum Investing
Whether you should invest a lump sum of money largely comes down to your tolerance of risk. By this we mean how comfortable you would feel when markets fluctuate.
Lump sum investing is advantageous for many reasons – you’ll gain exposure to the markets sooner and are able to take full advantage of market growth, and historically the returns of stocks and bonds exceeds the returns of cash. Lump sum investing Lump sum investment is suitable for individuals who prefer to invest through long-term, usually an investment tenure of approximately 10 years.
KiwiSaver is a work-based savings scheme with the added benefit of employer and government contributions to boost your balance and fast-track you to achieving your goals.
You will make regular contributions to your savings, which are taken directly from your pay. You get to decide how much of your salary you contribute, ranging from 3% - 10%, allowing you to choose an affordable amount whilst giving you the best chance of maximising your savings.
One of our qualified financial advisors can help you get the most from the scheme, so you can just watch your savings stack up.
Regular Investing
Regularly investing every month or at set periods throughout the year can pay off in many ways - little by little you are working towards your investment goals, at a frequency that suits you.
Further more, you gain from ‘dollar cost averaging’ where you are effectively buying into the market at different times and benefiting from both high and low prices. This type of scheduled investing helps take the emotion out of being an investor as you do not need to worry about timing the market.
Managed Funds & Shares
Managed funds appeal to many investors, especially those who are new to investing as instead of investing directly, your money will be pooled with other investors’ money and spread across a range of investments – all chosen by the fund manager.
Managed funds can be focused in a particular type of investment or market such as shares, commodities, or emerging markets. Managed fund prices will often rise in value, but there is also the risk the price of a fund can drop below what we paid for it.
Need our help?
We're here to answer your questions.
Get in touch with us
09 302 7310
1D Roberta Avenue
Auckland 1071
New Zealand
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